If we see Afghanistan and its surrounding areas, the war confined to the country has extended throughout the region. A more systematic wave of terrorism has emerged and not only Afghanistan but other regional states are also battling this menace. In Afghanistan,…
Zarb-e-Azb ,an operation against ‘local and foreign terrorists’ in North Waziristan was launched by the Armed Forces of Pakistan on June 15, 2014 on the direction of Government of Pakistan. The main purpose of the operation is to promote peace by eliminating…
As the heat of Middle East turmoil radiates chill waves down the spine, due to fear of its replication in South Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan make desperate efforts for strengthening their hedge against a globally floating-cum-roving system of insurgent-terrorist outfits. First round…
دفترِ خارجہ کے ترجمان نے افغانستان کے ان الزامات کو قطعی بے بنیاد قرار دیا ہے کہ افواجِ پاکستان افغان سرحد کے اندر کسی بھی قسم کی سرگرمیوں میں ملوث ہیں۔واضح رہے کہ کرزئی حکومت نے گذشتہ کافی عرصے سے یہ وطیرہ…
زیر اعظم نواز شریف نے یقین ظاہر کیا ہے کہ پوری پاکستانی قوم شمالی وزیرستان سے بے گھر ہونے والے اپنے بھائیوں کی بھر پور خدمت اور حمایت کرے گی اور ایسا کرتے ہوئے وہ کسی پر احسان نہیں کرے گی بلکہ…
ALTHOUGH the year 2014 started witnessing more attacks by the terrorists yet overall it may be expressed that after many years of terrorism, that gripped Pakistan, there is some degree of optimism about the security situation in coming months due to Pakistan…
Donation of one day’s pay and 30 days’ ration by the armed forces of Pakistan indicates their empathy with the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from North Waziristan. Over 500,000 people have fled the conflict zone as the military continues its offensive against…
Conference Coordinator: Muhammad Hanif, Editor: Mushir Anwar, Assistant Conference Coordinator: Muhammad Nawaz Khan and Assistant Editor: Saira Rehman, Published by Islamabad Policy Research Institute, MAD Mob Printers, Islamabad, 2014.
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قوموں کی زندگی میں بعض ایسے لمحات ضرور آتے ہیں جنہیں زندگی بھر کی جمع پونجی قرار دیا جا سکتا ہے ۔پاکستانی قوم پر بھی کئی ایسے ہی ادوار گزرے ہیں ۔انہی میں سے ایک ۶ستمبر ۱۹۶۵ سے ۲۳ ستمبر ۱۹۶۵کے ایسے…
In the back drop of resonation about usage of Indian origin arms and ammunition by the attackers of Karachi airport and recovery of huge cache of such weapons and munitions, Indian Prime Minister has condemned the recent terrorist attack on Karachi Airport.…