As Saudi authorities gunned down more than 400 Iranian pilgrims during the occasion of Hajj in 1987, it was one of the worst scenarios to set in their bilateral relations. It was a torpedoed mosaic of bad blood interaction since then-on for…
I vividly remember former Indian Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral once saying, “there has to be a dispute between India and Pakistan; and even if they come to resolve the Kashmir issue, they will invent another one…”. Though sarcastic, the par-excellence diplomat…
Barack Obama, the first Black-American President of the United States, quipped, “In a world of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power, including strong and principled diplomacy.” That aptly applies to the situation that Pakistan is…
Georges Clemenceau, a notable French politician (1841-1929), was apt as he said, “War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men.” But in the case of the Russia-Ukraine war, it seems it is politicians at large who are failing in…
China and Pakistan have a trial and tribulation trajectory, and thus the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor i.e. CPEC has tales to tell. If an idiom is reworked, it is like “the operation was successful, but the patient is in coma!” Coma is tantamount…
Nizam-e-Maikada Bigra Hua Hai Is Kadar Saqi;
Usi Ko Jaam Milta Hai Jise Peena Nahi Aata
(Anand Narayan Mulla) [The configuration is so disfigured that only those who do not possesses a remedy are accessed with it)
Ten cents for the poet,…

Imran Aslam knew how to net talent, and has been a godfather to innumerable persons who made big in journalism
On a chill afternoon at the auditorium of Karachi University in January 1993, an articulate man was enthralling the audience with his…
Muzzling the egalitarian-minded people under the presumption that they are anti-state or a threat to the revolution is unwarranted
Muzaffar Warsi, a Pakistani poet, lyricist and a scholar of repute, wrote: “AAB TOU BANDE BHI KHUDA BANDOON KI TAQDEER LIKHAIN; DEY…

Imran Khan is neither infallible, nor is he an angel. He is another human being. He has erred in many decisions and his stint in power was not perfect by any means. But he is a brave man, a sportsman par excellence,…
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are of the author and do not necessarily represent Institute’s policy.