The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process has been President Obama’s brainchild since he underlined security of nuclear materials as a priority of his administration in his infamous Prague speech of April 5, 2009. Prague speech became talk of the town because of…
Politico-military situation in Afghanistan is quite complex. As regards military balance of power, James R Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, recently warned that fighting in Afghanistan will be "more intense" this year than 2015 and that Afghans will continue to…
بھارتی وزرتِ خارجہ کے سیکرٹری ’’ جے شنکر ‘‘ نے کہا ہے کہ جب تلک پاکستان بات چیت کے لئے ساز گار ماحول تیار نہیں کرتا تب تک دونوں ممالک کے خارجہ سیکرٹریوں کے مابین ہونے والے مجوزہ مذاکرات ممکن نہیں ۔…
سبھی جانتے ہیں کہ پاکستان اور بھارت بیک وقت آزاد ہوئے ۔ مگر عالمی سطح پر بوجوہ بھارت خود کے حوالے سے ایک سافٹ امیج بنانے میں کامیاب رہا ہے حالانکہ زمینی حقائق پر نگاہ ڈالیں تو صورتحال مختلف بلکہ قطعی متضاد…

We often forget that a significant proportion of refugees who now knock on the door of Europe are Afghans. Between January and December 2015, they were 200,000 to seek asylum in one of the EU countries. 6 times more than in 2014.…

2016 began with a dangerous rekindling of the Cold War that has existed for some time between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Given that this tension between the two states is in part fuelling the intensity of the wars in Yemen and Syria,…

Relatively little is being said about it in the French media because Afghanistan has been forgotten due to the crisis in Syria, and because Westerners are not, this time, on the frontline, but the inter-Afghan peace process is striving, with difficulty, to…
British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond was obviously detached from reality when he suggested, on March 08, that issue of Jammu and Kashmir should not be a precondition for resumption of India-Pakistan dialogue and emphasized the need for reopening of talks between the…

It is difficult to imagine a case where Europeans, Americans and Russians can so easily agree on Afghanistan. At least as much, if not more, than the West, the Kremlin is concerned about the weakness of the Afghan state and the terrorist…
During the recently concluded sixth ministerial-level Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue, Pakistan’s nuclear programme and economy attracted the maximum attention of delegates. The US tried to arm twist Pakistan to reduce its nuclear arsenal. However, Pakistan firmly expressed the resolve by not accepting any…