Post Event Report on visit of Chinesedelegation to IPRI
Dated: 2 Feburary 2015
Mr. Wang Sheming, Executive Vice President for Gansu Association of International Friendly Contact (GAIFC)
Mr. Liu Guangjun, Vice President of GAIFC
Mr. Li Mingbao, Associate President of GAIFC
Mr. Gao Ganming,…
Ambassador Sohail Amin, President Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), after welcoming the scholar and brief introduction of IPRI opened the floor for discussion.
The visiting Russian scholar, Mr. Peter Topychkanov said there were good relations between Moscow and Islamabad in fields such as…

President IPRI welcomed the visiting delegation. He told them that the relations between Gansu Association for International Friendly Contacts (GAIFC), Xinjiang Association for International Friendly Contacts (XAIFC) and IPRI were as close as relations between Pakistan and China. He said that IPRI…

President IPRI after welcoming the visiting scholars opened the floor for discussion. The scholars from the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) said that there are many commonalities between IPIS and IPRI. He said Iran was very close neighbour of Pakistan.…
Post Event Report
Conference on “Revisiting Kashmir Policy”
One day Conference on ‘Revisiting Kashmir Policy’ was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on January 30, 2014. Following are the proceedings of the conference.
Ambassador Sohail Ameen, President IPRI, in his welcome…
Austrian scholars visited IPRI on April 2, 2014 and had an insightful exchange of perspectives during discussion over current issues concerning Pakistan-India relations, security situation in Afghanistan and power potential of Pakistan.
Austrian Scholars
Dr. Werner Fassalabend, President of the Austrian Institute for European…

Senior Research Fellow IPRI, Dr. Noorul Haq, after welcoming the visiting journalists opened the floor for discussion. A member of the Indian delegation asked from IPRI scholars about the main deterrent and catalyst in relations between India and Pakistan and what approaches…

Post-Event Report
Delegation of SAM Azerbaijan Visits IPRI
A three-member delegation of Centre for Strategic Studies under the President of Republic of Azerbaijan (SAM), Azerbaijan, visited IPRI on March 5, 2014.
SAM scholars expressed their goodwill for Pakistan. They said that…