Abu Hurrairah Abbasi works as a Researcher with the Arms Control and Disarmament Center at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad and is a graduate student of International Relations from the School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. His research…
By Abu Hurrairah Abbasi, He is a Graduate of International Relations from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad and works as a Researcher with an Islamabad-based policy think tank Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad(ISSI). He can be reached at abuhurrairahah@gmail.com
On March 9, 2023,…
The undeniable fact is that the Taliban are in control of Afghanistan. However, the international community still deals with the country like a pariah state, adding to the vows of ordinary Afghans suffering from acute poverty. The US withdrew from the country…
With the collapse of talks in Afghanistan, peace once again has become a distant thought. The cancellation of talks is a strange development in itself, given that the US representative and the Taliban had the last round of talks on September 2,…
Prime Minister Imran Khan is all set to meet the American President Mr. Donald Trump on July 22. This will be Premier’s maiden visit and first one-to-one interaction between the two sides since the new administrations have taken charge of their respective…
“You will not win a battlefield victory. We may not win one, but neither will you”, Rex Tillerson, former US Secretary of State challenging the Taliban, in one of his deliberations. If there is any one statement which explains the hopelessness and…
اگرچہ دور حاضر کو بہت سے حلقے انسانی تہذیب و تمدن اور انسانی حقوق کے احترام کے حوالے سے مثا لی قرار دیتے نہیں تھکتے، مگر زمینی حقائق پر نگاہ ڈالیں تو اس تاثر کی تائید کرنا خاصا مشکل ہو جاتا ہے،…
As per recent reports, the Taliban have demanded a prisoner swap as part of an upcoming round of talks with the United States and have stated, “If they are sincere in talks in the future, they would accept our proposal for a…
حال ہی میںافغانستان کے مشرقی صوبے کنڑ میں ایک امریکی ڈرون کے حملے میںملا فضل اﷲہلاک ہو گیا۔اس واقعے کے بعد تحریک طالبان پاکستان نے مفتی نور ولی محسود کو اپنا نیا سربراہ نامزد کیا ہے۔ ملا فضل اﷲ کی ہلاکت کی…
یہ امر انتہائی اہمیت کا حامل ہے کہ حالیہ ہفتوں میں بلوچستان کے بہت سے حلقوں نے اس امر کا اظہار کیا ہے کہ وہ بھارت کے پھیلائے ہوئے جال میں ہرگز نہیں آئیں گے بلکہ مستقبل میں اپنی ساری توانائیاں پاکستان…