In the back drop of resonation about usage of Indian origin arms and ammunition by the attackers of Karachi airport and recovery of huge cache of such weapons and munitions, Indian Prime Minister has condemned the recent terrorist attack on Karachi Airport.…
Pakistan’s High Commissioner to India Mr Abdul Basit was summoned to Islamabad to evaluate the impact of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s recent visit to India. Mr Basit had spent a lot of effort in preparing a favourable environment for the summit. However,…

Last week saw some interesting developments: acts of high profile militancy and terrorism were disowned and condemned by the TTP in very strong words indicating a change of mindset; fierce infighting within the TTP cadres indicated its eroding integrity as a single…

As militancy and negotiations move in tandem, a recently surfaced splinter group of Taliban hit the headlines through its lethal attack on district courts’ complex in the heart of Islamabad. Fizza Malik, a young Pakistani lawyer was amongst those unfortunate ones who…

Following the Taliban’s announcement for a month long ceasefire, the government has also reciprocated by suspending air strikes while retaining the option to respond to violent attacks. Cease fire by the Taliban has thrown up an interesting opportunity in the context of our…

پاکستانی حکومت اور شدت پسند گروہوں کے ما بین تقریباً ایک ماہ قبل جب مذاکرات کا آغاز ہوا تو پوری قوم نے گویا سکھ کا سانس لیا اور معاشرے کے تمام طبقات نے توقع ظاہر کی کہ اس عمل کے نتیجے میں…

ایک جانب گذشتہ چند ہفتوں سے بلوچستان کے علاقے ’’خضدار‘‘ میں مبینہ اجتماعی قبر کے حوالے سے ملکی اور غیر ملکی میڈیا میں طرح طرح کے فسانے تراشے جا رہے ہیں دوسری طرف چند روز قبل امریکی محکمہ خارجہ کی ترجمان نے…

7 سال پہلے 18 اور 19 فرروی 2007کی درمیانی شب بھارتی صوبہ ہریانہ سے گزررہی سمجھوتہ ایکسپریس میں ہوئی دہشت گردی میں 80سے زائد پاکستانی زندگی کی بازی ہار گئے جب کہ 150سے زائد شدید زخمی ہوگئے بھا رت کے سرکاری اعدادو شمار…

While international focus is on bracing up for post 2014 Afghanistan, recent spiralling terrorist attacks have propped up a national contingency for us—tackling 2014 Pakistan. Unrelenting events of terrorism have weakened the pro-dialogue constituency and have strengthened the hawkish school of thought…

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Pakistan has been suffering from terrorism since 2001. Soon after former president Pervez Musharraf decided to ally with the US in its war against terrorism, Pakistan turned into a front-line state in that war.
Over the years, the country's internal…