Margalla Dialogue'19
The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) plans to launch a new initiative called the Margalla Dialogue. The Dialogue distinguishes itself in its objectives, composition and content from the conventional academic conferences being held each year in Pakistan. Unlike these academic-oriented…

For Pakistan, it is better and safer to interact with Afghanistan on the basis of established state-to-state norms because this is a relationship from which we cannot insulate ourselves nor simply push aside. There are few examples in the world where 50,000…

IPRI UPDATE for the Month of August 2019 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI Update August 2019

The Islamabad Policy Research Institute organized a Special Roundtable on Mechanism for Effective Revenue Collection in Pakistan: Ways and Means here in Islamabad today. The roundtable was chaired by Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Federal Secretary for Finance Division, while three former Chairpersons…

Islamabad Policy Research Institute organized a Media Workshop on ‘Strategic Importance of Maritime Affairs for Pakistan and the Role of Media’. It entailed Inaugural Address by renowned academician Prof. Dr Muhammad Ali, Vice Chancellor, Quaid-i-Azam University and was moderated by Dr Azhar…

Research Papers
1. Addressing Challenges of Multiculturalism through Peace Education in Pakistan
Fizza Mumtaz
2. Internet Governance and Pakistan’sDigital Economy
Usama Nizamani
3. Discourse on Nuclear Weapons post-9/11 and Rogue States Narrative
Umar Farooq Khan
4. Kurdistan’s Attempted Secession from Iraq: Major Powers’ Responses and Regional Implications
Khurram Abbas

“Pakistan should not seek a strategic relationship with the US. Instead, we should aspire for a Working Relationship, which is cordial and dynamic, and does not curtail our sovereignty and national interest.”
- Ambassador (R) Riaz Khokhar
These were the views of…

Delegates from the Maritime Study Forum (MSF) visited IPRI on 7 Aug. 2019. The delegation was accompanied by participants of their Maritime Summer School. An interactive discussion took place on “Maritime Economy and Industry” moderated by IPRI President, Ambassador Vice Admiral (Retd.)…

IPRI UPDATE for the Month of July 2019 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI Update July 2019
Without passing the buck – the onus for improved inter-state relations between Pakistan and India, primarily falls on India.”
- Senator Javed Jabbar
“Two immediate neighbours –Pakistan and India- with inherently contrasting, often conflictual personas will continue to face dynamic tension. Regional and global geopolitical…