In the ongoing devastating Gaza Conflict, South Africa took the decisive action of filing a case at the International Court of Justice (“ICJ”) accusing Israel of engaging in “genocidal acts” in Gaza. The ICJ has issued a series of orders, demanding that…
The destruction of religious sites in India is a complex and deeply troubling issue. It stems from various factors such as religious intolerance, political agendas, communal tensions and acts of terrorism. These demolitions of religious sites, raise serious questions about violations of…
The Indian Supreme Court’s 476-page verdict upholding the abrogation of Article 370 is a saga of historical distortions, selective amnesia and logic-less interpretation. Not only does it do injustice to Jammu and Kashmir, it has set a precedent that threatens Indian democracy…
International law is built on the foundation of sovereignty, a pillar of which is state consent. A state’s legal obligations are overwhelmingly, though not exclusively, based on its consent to be bound. The ICJ and ICC, in all likelihood, will be ineffective…
The international law options available to Canada are limited. That means the situation will have to be resolved through political means. The international community is weighing in on the issue. However, each state’s involvement will be colored by their own relationship with…
The ‘Doctrine of Hot Pursuit’ was initially recognized as part of international maritime law. Since the 2000s the doctrine has been, albeit sparingly, used to hunt terrorists and rebels that cause trouble in one country, but then cross over in another country.…
Customary international law on transboundary watercourses has evolved significantly in the past years. A number of international law instruments have been concluded over the years that have significantly impacted the customary international law on transboundary watercourses. Cumulatively, these instruments have gone a…