PAPER 08/03/2024
With a 90% share in global trade, the Marine economy is considered to be a new growth point
in the global economic paradigm. Due to Pakistan’s strategic geography, the Blue economy
significantly contributes to the national GDP. More than 90% of Pakistan’s international trade
is primarily carried out through sea lines of communication (SLOC). However, Pakistan is
following a traditional model of marine development which shows the contributions of the
marine economy to the national exchequer through traditional measures like fish production
and consumption statistics, thus being unable to comprehensively depict the state of Pakistan’s
Marine economy.
in the global economic paradigm. Due to Pakistan’s strategic geography, the Blue economy
significantly contributes to the national GDP. More than 90% of Pakistan’s international trade
is primarily carried out through sea lines of communication (SLOC). However, Pakistan is
following a traditional model of marine development which shows the contributions of the
marine economy to the national exchequer through traditional measures like fish production
and consumption statistics, thus being unable to comprehensively depict the state of Pakistan’s
Marine economy.