Central Asia

Completion of CPEC: Impact on Pakistan’s Strategic Position and Economy
Introduction An IPRI Review meeting on “Completion of CPEC: Impact on Pakistan’s Strategic Position and Economy” was held at IPRI conference hall on April 26, 2016. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), linking Gwadar to China’s Western city of Kashgar was viewed optimistically. It

Afghan Peace Talks
The recently held Afghan peace talks, in which senior officials from the Afghan government, Pakistan, China and the US participated called for restoration of peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban. Whether, the talks would yield positive result or like

As a confidence-building mechanism to resolve border disputes, the foundation of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) comprising China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan was laid down. The decision to create SCO was made 14 years ago. Today, SCO has emerged as an

Pakistan’s Strategic Significance as a Future Energy Corridor for India
Some strategic thinkers and policy makers in South Asia and beyond still believe that Pakistan-India relations are a one sided game and it is Pakistan that should be more serious in improving its relations with India even on Indian terms. This strategic

Indian Engagement in Afghanistan
Though Indo-Afghan relations dates back to the period of Afghan dynasties that ruled India for centuries, yet in the post 9/11era, India has emerged as a dominant player in the power equation of Afghanistan. During last decade, it has been projecting its