Chinese President Xi Jinping visited three South Asian countries (Maldives, Sri Lanka and India) from 15- 20 September 2014.The visit came at a very critical time when various transformations were taking place in the region. First, the visit started after the 14th…
President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to India had been touted as the beginning of a great economic and political partnership; however it ended in a fizzle. Several deals, including high-speed trains and economic zones were expected at a price tag of around…
چین کے صدر نے ۱۷ سے ۱۹ ستمبر تک بھارت کا دورہ کیا۔عالمی سطح پر امن پسند حلقوں کو توقع تھی کہ شاید اس دورے کے نتیجے میں علاقائی اور عالمی امن کو مزید استحکام حاصل ہو گا مگر بد قسمتی سے…
IPRI Review Meeting: China’s relations with South Asian Countries
Presentation on “China’s relations with South Asian Countries” by Ms. Asiya Mahar, Assistant Research Officer was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Islamabad on August 29, 2014 at IPRI Conference Hall.
Salient Points:
Key points of…
1. A guest lecture on “Asia Pacific: Relevance of Pakistan” was organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on August 28, 2014. Dr. Muhammad Khan, Head of Department (HOD) Faculty of Contemporary Studies (FCS), National Defence University (NDU) delivered the lecture.…
The landslide victory by Narendra Modi in India’s national elections has raised questions throughout World about India’s role in the region. Like rest of the world, there were two schools of thoughts in china in this regard. "One of the most optimistic…
Upsurge in China-India Ties and Pakistan
Col (R) Muhammad Hanif

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Pakistan and China enjoy a friendship which is based on trust, reciprocity, respect for each other and noninterference in each other's internal affairs.
It has been more than 63 years since diplomatic relations between the two countries were established. Over…
As the heat of Middle East turmoil radiates chill waves down the spine, due to fear of its replication in South Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan make desperate efforts for strengthening their hedge against a globally floating-cum-roving system of insurgent-terrorist outfits. First round…
President Obama’s April 2014 visit to Asian counties has reinforced the concerns about America letting China rise peacefully. During this visit Obama reassured Washington’s allies ‘in the face of threats to stability from North Korea and an increasingly assertive China’. He conveyed…