Every analyst is busy in separating Donald J Trump’s electoral rhetoric into pursuable and abandon-able categories. However, his campaign guys, in the hope of grabbing lucrative jobs, are busy gathering arguments to support the notion that all that Trump said as candidate…
Yes, one may argue whether two to three feet taller boundary wall could have prevented the attack, but one can’t deny the fact that this low and dilapidated boundary wall is symbolic representative of our overall national counter terrorism effort—and the attitude…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Pakistan bashing on BRICS forum signifies what? Indian obsession with Pakistan? Or how important is Pakistan for India? that the latter employs every regional/international platform to isolate Pakistan. Like the election campaign, Pakistan is the top most agenda…
Having come to terms with the irrevocability of Indus Water Treaty (IWT), India is contemplating to launch its water wars through Afghanistan. Pranab Dhal Samanta in his recent article “Can Afghanistan offer ‘other Indus’ option to India against Pakistan?”, carried by the…
A four-member Chinese Delegation visited IPRI on August 11, 2016. The delegation comprised of Mr. Chen Gong, Founding Partner and Chief Researcher, ANBOUND, Mr. Tang Mensheng, Director of Pakistan Research Center, Peking University, Ms. Zhang Yuan, Researcher of International Studies, ANBOUND and…
Proceedings of the Conference
Inaugural Session
President IPRI, Ambassador (R) Sohail Amin, in his welcome address, stated that timing of this Conference is very appropriate, as the government and the people of Pakistan, are very keen to see speedy progress on the…

An IPRI Review meeting on “SCO and Regional Security” was held at IPRI conference hall on August 8, 2016. In the prevalent era of globalization, a number of regional organizations have emerged on world stage. These organizations have become multifunctional pursuing security…
It is not a battle of gold medals or for first position in Olympics, but a struggle of rule over the world. Rio Summer Olympics 2016 are scheduled to be held on August 05, 2016. Undoubtedly, it is the biggest sports event…
Significant factors impacting peaceful or otherwise Afghanistan are: stay-exit dilemma of the US, will of the Taliban, Indian meddling, handling of Afghan refugees, Pak-Afghan border management, Afghan government’s action against TTP bands etc. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s recent report on…

An IPRI Review meeting on “Completion of CPEC: Impact on Pakistan’s Strategic Position and Economy” was held at IPRI conference hall on April 26, 2016. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), linking Gwadar to China’s Western city of Kashgar was viewed optimistically. It was…