The government had aspirations
to provide sustainable and affordable energy and, therefore, it announced a power policy for five years, i.e. the National Energy Policy, 2013-18. The federal government had started various projects on a priority basis to overcome the shortage. The ministry…
“Many of the wars of the 20th century were about oil, but wars of the 21st century will be over water”, said Dr Isamil Serageldin, former Vice President of the World Bank. Water is surpassing oil as the world’s scarcest…
The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), together with the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), Germany’s Pakistan office in Islamabad, organized a two-day international conference on “Pakistan’s Strategic Environment: Post-2014” at Serena Hotel, Islamabad on 28-29 May 2014.
IPRI invited seven scholars one each from…
Last November, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif performed the ground breaking ceremony of Pakistan’s largest nuclear power projects, Kanupp-II and Kanupp-III. China is providing the two reactors alongside a concessional loan of $6.5 billion for the construction of these $9.59 billion plants. When completed…

پاکستان نے ایک سے زائد مرتبہ بھارت کو پیش کش کی ہے کہ سیاچن گلیشئر سے دونوں ملک اپنی افواج واپس بلا لیں تا کہ نا صرف دونوں ملکوں کے تعلقات میں بہتری آئے بلکہ سیاچن پر ہونے والے بھاری اخراجات دونوں…

Advisor to…

The 2005 earthquake and three continuous years of bad floods caused widespread devastation in Pakistan. The natural calamities are not Pakistan-specific but are witnessed throughout the world – the Fukushima Tsunami, Hurricane Sandy etc. What has gone wrong with the Mother Nature,…