اب اس بات سے بھلا کون آگاہ نہیں کہ یوں تو دنیا بھر میں انسانی حقوق کی پا مالیاں کسی نہ کسی سطح پر عرصہ دراز سے جاری ہیں بلکہ اگر یہ کہا جائے تو شاید بے جا نہ ہو گا کہ…
Post-Event Report
One-Day Roundtable
“Violations of Rights of Religious Minorities (Muslims & Sikhs) in India”
Organized by
Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
IPRI Conference Hall, Islamabad
July 12, 2017
A One-Day Roundtable on “Violations of Rights of Religious Minorities (Muslims…

In the globalized world of today, where terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, border security and environmental degradation have altered the security landscape of the world, multilateral approaches are being employed to address the transnational challenges. A number of regional as well as international organizations have…
Pakistani media has rendered Trump as the enemy of Islam and Pakistan. Situation in Pakistan was not in favour of Trump in the past several months. How Pakistan ran out of Trump’s unexpected triumph is a lingering question. Political pundits failed to…

Kashmir is one of the oldest outstanding conflicts in the world. The Kashmir uprising dates back to 1947. October 27, 1947, is remembered as the day when India forcibly took over the land of Kashmir and unleashed terror. British Prime Minister David…
Since ages, the United States (US) has long been supportive of human rights, democracy, and rule of law around the world. The US has always regarded its values, i.e. human rights, democracy, and rule of law as beacon of hope for the…
Yes, one may argue whether two to three feet taller boundary wall could have prevented the attack, but one can’t deny the fact that this low and dilapidated boundary wall is symbolic representative of our overall national counter terrorism effort—and the attitude…
Pakistan-India relations are on the height of hostility following militant attack on Brigade headquarters in Uri area, Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) with reported killing of 18 Indian soldiers and destruction of a frontline base close to Line of Control (LOC). India has…
Over the last week, Indian leadership took a number of steps to provoke Pakistan into action. Pakistan’s leadership has acted pragmatically. Comedy of surgical strikes was poorly scripted to suck Pakistan into an embarrassing slug, in both cases: either by acting or…

An IPRI Review meeting on “SCO and Regional Security” was held at IPRI conference hall on August 8, 2016. In the prevalent era of globalization, a number of regional organizations have emerged on world stage. These organizations have become multifunctional pursuing security…