ذرائع کے مطابق گذشتہ روز شاہ نورانی درگاہ پر جس درندگی کا مظاہرہ کیا گیا اس کے لئے ’’ را ‘‘ اور ’’ این ڈی ایس ‘‘ کے علاوہ کسی دوسرے کو ذمہ دار نہیں ٹھہرایا جا سکتا کیونکہ سی پیک جانے…
Donald Trump’s victory has caught the World by its throat, and in all likelihood, we are in for interesting times. His victory presents an interesting case study oscillating between “democracy at its best” and democracy at its worst”. It is perhaps the…
Yes, one may argue whether two to three feet taller boundary wall could have prevented the attack, but one can’t deny the fact that this low and dilapidated boundary wall is symbolic representative of our overall national counter terrorism effort—and the attitude…
Having come to terms with the irrevocability of Indus Water Treaty (IWT), India is contemplating to launch its water wars through Afghanistan. Pranab Dhal Samanta in his recent article “Can Afghanistan offer ‘other Indus’ option to India against Pakistan?”, carried by the…
A four-member Chinese Delegation visited IPRI on August 11, 2016. The delegation comprised of Mr. Chen Gong, Founding Partner and Chief Researcher, ANBOUND, Mr. Tang Mensheng, Director of Pakistan Research Center, Peking University, Ms. Zhang Yuan, Researcher of International Studies, ANBOUND and…
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“Potential of Pakistan’s Soft Power and Public Diplomacy”
A one-day workshop on “Potential of Pakistan’s Soft Power and Public Diplomacy” was organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on October 19, 2016 at Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad.…
Proceedings of the Conference
Inaugural Session
President IPRI, Ambassador (R) Sohail Amin, in his welcome address, stated that timing of this Conference is very appropriate, as the government and the people of Pakistan, are very keen to see speedy progress on the…
Over the last week, Indian leadership took a number of steps to provoke Pakistan into action. Pakistan’s leadership has acted pragmatically. Comedy of surgical strikes was poorly scripted to suck Pakistan into an embarrassing slug, in both cases: either by acting or…
چند روز قبل ہندوستان کے ڈائریکٹر جنرل ملٹری آپریشنز ”لیفٹیننٹ جنرل رنبیر سنگھ“ نے نام نہاد سرجیکل سٹرائیک کے نام پر جو گوہر افشانی کی، اس کا جائزہ لیتے سنجیدہ مبصرین نے کہا ہے کہ کسی بھی پیشہ وارانہ (خود ساختہ) فوج…