Through CPEC, South Asia would cease to be a region of conflict,
and become a region of cooperation.
– Mr Ahsan Iqbal,
Federal Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control,
Government of Pakistan
Security has now become sine qua non for development. This is especially true…
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of March 2018 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE March 2018
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of February 2018 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE February 2018
Post-event Report
Panel Discussion
“India Armed Forces Joint Doctrine 2017: A Critical Appraisal”
A one-day panel discussion “India Armed Forces Joint Doctrine 2017: A Critical Appraisal” was organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on February 28, 2018…
Many believe that Afghanistan’s involvement in CPEC, even if only modest, can be a big confidence-building measure for an Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship which has been tense for quite some time now. In the long run, through Afghanistan, China is planning to gradually connect…
In this age of globalization the phenomena of terrorism and extremism has become a complex issue posing multidimensional security challenges to states and societies all over the world. The transnational nature of these non-traditional challenges has added new complexities and confusion in…
Research Articles
A Comparative Study of Blitzkrieg and Cold Start Doctrine: Lessons and Countermeasures for Pakistan
Muhammad Ali Baig and Hamid Iqbal 1
This study analyses the common theoretical and conceptual attributes of the German Blitzkrieg and India’s Cold Start Doctrine (CSD)…
The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) organised a one-day Panel Discussion on ‘Indian Armed Forces Joint Doctrine 2017: A Critical Appraisal’ on 28 February 2018.
The event was reported by the print media. It was covered on several channels including:
PTV World
92 News
IPRI UPDATE for the Month of January 2018 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI UPDATE January 2018
Post-event Report
One-day Conference
“Issues of Radicalization and Extreme Behaviours in Pakistan”
A one-day conference titled “Issues of Radicalization and Extreme Behaviours in Pakistan” was organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on January 30, 2018, at the IPRI conference hall,…