اتر پردیش میں فی الحال مودی دور کے بعد یوگی یوگی کا نعرہ گونج رہا ہے۔ اس موقع پر یوگی ادتیہ ناتھ کی تاجپوشی پر ان کے والد کا بیان بہت توجہ طلب ہے۔یاد رہے کہ بھارتی ٹی وی چینل ’’ نیوز…
IPRI Newsletter for the Month of March 2017 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI Newsletter March 2017
PAKISTAN is diversifying its foreign policy by expanding relations with multiple countries to attract investment. The two areas on which Government of Pakistan is paying its full attention are: a) ensuring security by undertaking military operations against the terrorists and extremists; b)…
مقبوضہ جموں و کشمیر میں ظلم و ستم کی داستان نہ صرف دل دہلا دینے والی ہے بلکہ اقوام عالم کے بنائے گئے انسانی حقوق کی کھلم کھلا خلاف ورزی بھی ہے۔ بھارت کی طرف سے کشمیریوں پر ڈھائے جانے والے مظالم…
Since the beginning of 2017, Pakistan has suffered series of terrorist attacks. There has been large number of civil and military personnel casualties. The intensity of recent attacks is much bigger in scale and magnitude. The terrorists targeted all the provinces and…
IPRI Newsletter for the Month of February 2017 has been issued.
For details, visit: IPRI Newsletter February 2017
Round Table
“Regional Implications of Indian Hegemony in the SAARC”
Organized by
Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
March 8, 2017
A one-day roundtable on “Regional Implications of Indian Hegemony in the SAARC” was organized at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute…
Visit of The CICIR Delegation to IPRI
A CICIR delegation headed by Mrs. Du Yanjun visited IPRI on February 28, 2017. The purpose of the visit was to discuss current issues prior to the One Belt One Road (OBOR) Summit which is…
The Sixth Heart of Asia Conference or the Istanbul Process recently held in Amritsar, India on 3-4 December,2016, has proved insignificant in igniting the frozen state of bilateral relations between Pakistan and India. There was no scheduled informal talks between the two…
While there is increasing and alarming political divisiveness in many countries and between many people, Pakistan has opted to go the other way along with an unexpected champion of neo-globalism - People’s Republic of China - a country which has morphed from…