سبھی جانتے ہیں کہ بھارت بھر میں بدترین ذات پات کا نظام رائج ہے۔ اس بابت سنجیدہ حلقوں کی رائے ہے کہ اگرچہ جنوبی افریقہ کی سابق سفید فام اقلیت کے دور میں بہت سے مظالم ڈھائے گئے مگر قابل ذکر امر…
ProPublica reported a statement by United States of America’s Defence Secretary James Mattis where he regarded climate change as a ‘national security challenge.’ Interestingly, this is not the first time when climate change is defined as a security issue. In December 2010,…
Ronald Reagan once said, “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle the conflict by peaceful means.” Afghanistan peace process, in a similar manner, has failed to offer an olive branch to the Taliban. Recent Afghan Talibans’ assault…
Pakistan’s relationship with China is constantly hailed as an ‘all-weather friendship’, but what actually lies behind the diplomatic façade?
There is no doubt that the two countries enjoy remarkably positive relations for such different neighbours, and China is an immensely important partner for…
With a new government to take office soon, it is hoped that finally some importance will be given to Pakistan’s foreign policy. Presently, the country’s economy does not portray a pretty picture, and while the security situation has improved, threats still exist.…
Pakistan is nearing its election and the political landscape of the country is flooded with campaigns featuring a lot of promises. Mainstream political parties have come up with their respective manifestos, and future programmes. But a debate or mention of foreign policy…
As President Erdogan has once again won the elections with an absolute majority, he has now come to be known as the most popular and divisive leader in modern Turkish history. Not only has he entrenched his control over the system, Recep…
اسے کسی حد تک ستم ظریفی ہی کہا جانا چاہیے کہ پاکستانی خارجہ پالیسی کے حوالے سے سارا دارومدار امریکہ ، چین ،روس اور تیل کی دولت سے مالا مال خلیجی ممالک پر ہے ۔ علاوہ ازیں پاکستان کے تعلقات بھارت کے…
یہ بات کسی سے ڈھکی چھپی نہیں کہ بھارتی افواج اپنا مورال اور پروفیشنلزم تیزی سے گنوا رہی ہے۔ آئے روز کسی نہ کسی بھارتی فوجی کی خودکشی سکہ رائج الوقت بن کر رہ گئی ہے ۔ بھارتی فوجیوں کی جانب اپنے…
The past is something that can either hold you back, or force you to move forward. Ultimately, it depends on how one deals with the past events of their life. This can apply to whole states and societies as well. The relations…