بھارت کی وزارتِ داخلہ نے اس امر کا اعتراف کیا ہے کہ سالِ رواں کی جنوری سے مئی تک کے پانچ ماہ کے دوران مسلم کش فسادات میں گذشتہ برس کے اسی دورانیے کی بہ نسبت خطرناک حد تک اضافہ ہوا ہے…
THE 15th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit was held in Ufa, Russia on 9-10 July 2015. The summit was unique in many ways. Firstly, for the first time in the 15 years of the SCO, it was decided to increase the number…
جب ایک سال پہلے بھارت میں مودی نے اقتدار سنبھالا تو کسی کے وہم میں بھی نہیں تھا کہ ان کے سیاسی زوال کا آغاز محض ایک برس کے اندر شروع ہو جائے گا مگر گذشتہ دو ہفتوں کے دوران نریندر مودی…

Indian missile system; threat to Pakistan
(By Suleman Yousaf - Intern at Islamabad Policy Research Institute)
K-15 Sagarika (Oceanic in Sanskrit) is India’s first two stage solid fuelled nuclear capable submarine launched ballistic missile system, which was developed with the assistance of Russian Federation.…
Afghan Islamic Movement Fidaee Mahaz has recently claimed that Mulla Umar died two years ago; however, Taliban have rejected these rumours. It appears the ground is being prepared for making public appearance of Mulla Omar a possibility in near future. This would…
The UN Security Council has unanimously endorsed the Iran nuclear deal. The show of support was interrupted shortly afterward by a war of words between the American and Iranian ambassadors. Iran's ambassador lashed out at the US mere moments after the vote,…

Pakistan has suffered a worst heat wave in June 2015, mostly affecting the areas of Sindh, Southern Punjab and Baluchistan. Some cities particularly Karachi, Sibi, Larkana, Hyderabad and many districts in Tharparkar etc. had reached highest recorded temperatures of around 49 °C…
President Vladimir Putin opened the 2015 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit by announcing the acceptance of Pakistan and India as members. He said Belarus would obtain observer status, joining Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia, while Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal would be welcomed…
مودی نے برسرِ اقتدار آنے کے بعد پوری کوشش کی کہ پاکستان کو سفارتی سطح پر عالمی برادری میں تنہا کر دیا جائے ۔ اس حوالے سے ایک جانب پچیس اگست 2014 کو ہونے والی خارجہ سیکرٹری ملاقات کو یک طرفہ طور…

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) came into being to defend Europe from the communist threat during the cold war having primary mandate in European theater. The cold war ended with the defeat of communism and former Soviet Union. Therefore, the logic…