یہ امر انتہائی اہمیت کا حامل ہے کہ حالیہ ہفتوں میں بلوچستان کے بہت سے حلقوں نے اس امر کا اظہار کیا ہے کہ وہ بھارت کے پھیلائے ہوئے جال میں ہرگز نہیں آئیں گے بلکہ مستقبل میں اپنی ساری توانائیاں پاکستان…
Speaking in the favor of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, Stephen Hawking once said, “I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source. It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming.” Pakistan’s own pursuit…
Proceedings of the Conference
Inaugural Session
President IPRI, Ambassador (R) Sohail Amin, in his welcome address, stated that timing of this Conference is very appropriate, as the government and the people of Pakistan, are very keen to see speedy progress on the…

Historically, the very concept of a corridor, has been a cause of development in different parts of the world. In the post-1945 period, European Economic Community was formed (1957). Later, European Union (EU) was created in November 1993. The idea to establish…

The visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in mid-November to Pakistan was a hallmark in Pakistan-Tajikistan bilateral relations. Both the countries have signed multiple agreements of co-operation in the fields of energy, security, trade, defence, culture, infrastructure development and communication. The two…
As Greece struggles to manage its debt trap, it has already swallowed the humble pie of being a defaulter. Negotiations for a cash-for-reform package between Athens and its creditors broke down over the previous weekend and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Trspras called…
As the fighting season peaks in Afghanistan, relics from Karzai era have stepped up their effort to create disjunction in Pak-Afghan joint counter terrorism effort. One rudimentary way is to blame anything that goes wrong in Afghanistan on Pakistan. This strategy has…
The government had aspirations
to provide sustainable and affordable energy and, therefore, it announced a power policy for five years, i.e. the National Energy Policy, 2013-18. The federal government had started various projects on a priority basis to overcome the shortage. The ministry…

Russia is an important country for Pakistan, as regionally Russia is a super power and globally it’s a regional power. Islamabad can have cordial relations with all regional states by improving its ties with Russia.
The former Soviet Union did not break,…
Historically Pakistan attaches great importance to its relations with Afghanistan despite of the fact that for over past three decades, Afghanistan has been marred with internal and external conflicts and Pakistan got affected somehow or the other. At present, there are number…