AS the end of the drawdown of international forces approaches in Afghanistan, concerns are mounting about its potential impact on regional stability. Afghanistan is at the threshold of the transformation decade. There is well-placed optimism in the air that ensuring the success of political,…
Ms. Aymen Ijaz, Assistant Research Officer IPRI, gave a presentation to IPRI scholars on the topic,“Ukrainian Crisis and the Resurgence of Russia”, on December 23rd, 2015 at IPRI Conference Hall.
The Ukrainian Crisis was a political crisis that emerged in Ukraine in…

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) came into being to defend Europe from the communist threat during the cold war having primary mandate in European theater. The cold war ended with the defeat of communism and former Soviet Union. Therefore, the logic…
Asia is experiencing major changes in its security architecture. The rise of the Asia-Pacific region may well prove to be the single most transformative geopolitical shift of the 21st century. The phenomenal development and growing might of China have not only disturbed…
On invitation of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), the following four member delegation from Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS), Yangon, Myanmar visited Islamabad, Pakistan on April 6-8, 2015:
U Nyunt Maung Shein

One-day conference on “Pakistan’s Relations with European Union (EU)” was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on March 5, 2015 at Marriot Hotel, Islamabad. The conference comprised of one working session in addition to inaugural and concluding sessions. Four presentations were…
Ceasefire agreement that put an end to active fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces for control over Nagorno-Karabakh in 1994 was considered to be the first step towards the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but even after 21 years of the truce, the…
International Conference
“Major Powers’ Interests in Indian Ocean: Challenges and Options for Pakistan”
Organized by: Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
In collaboration with: Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF)
At: Serena Hotel, Islamabad
November 18-19, 2014
A two-day international conference on “Major Powers’…
Despite many success stories by Pakistan Army in its efforts to counter terrorism, the United States (US) intelligentsia does not seem satisfied and Pakistan bashing continues. Recently in the New York Times’ (NYT) June 9, 2014 editorial, i.e., “Pakistan’s Latest Crisis”, again…
Since the formation of new government in Afghanistan there has been a flurry of activity between Kabul and Islamabad. In pursuit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s vision of peaceful neighbourhood, series of professional and technical level visits culminated in the summit. Prime…