WHILE the world expected that the US-China relations would be more contentious under the new US administration, it has taken an entirely new direction, which was less talked and thought about. Analysts, scholars and strategists spoke of an irresolute yet confrontational relation…

IPRI Review Meeting
Power and Economic Shifts in Global System
(October 29, 2015)
An IPRI Review meeting on “Power and Economic Shifts in Global System” was held at IPRI conference hall on October 29, 2015. The review meeting analyzed the trends related…

Asia Pacific’s strategic significance coupled with the region’s economic progress has raised the region’s stature for regional as well as global players. Hillary Clinton at the East West Centre, Honolulu described the pivot strategy as: “It is becoming increasingly clear that in…

The former Director General of the WTO, Pascal Lamy, suggested to an audience in Melbourne in November 2012 that the ‘rising weight of influence of emerging economies has shifted the balance of power’ in the global trading system, and that there has…
In the context of globalization, connectivity, diplomacy and trade are not stand alone activities, rather these are parts of a comprehensive concept. If the political and territorial disputes are settled then borders become a source of flow and not obstruction. Connectivity and…