Post-event Report
One-day Conference
“Pakistan-India Relations: Post-Congress Era”
A one-day conference titled “Pakistan-India Relations: Post-Congress Era” was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) on August 4, 2015 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. Lieutenant General (R) Asif Yasin Malik, former Secretary Defence,…
President Vladimir Putin opened the 2015 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit by announcing the acceptance of Pakistan and India as members. He said Belarus would obtain observer status, joining Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia, while Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal would be welcomed…

Pakistan-India bilateral relations have always been fluctuating. Despite regular change of political administrations on both sides, limited change was seen in their foreign policy towards each other. After the resumption of Indo-Pakistan peace process since 2011, little progress has been made in…
China’s investment plan in Pakistan with a special focus on development of infrastructure is a part of Chin’s overall initiative for Asia in general and South Asia in particular. China is also working for another regional connectivity plan to link with India,…
Alongside effective implementation of National Action Plan on counter terrorism, Operations Zarb-e-Azb and Khyber II have produced visible and measureable results. Pakistan’s effort towards counter terrorism is being recognized by all countries of the World. However, some writers and analysts continue to…

Terrorists are intolerant species, their tactics is to bomb and kill. The recent attacks on Churches in Lahore, in which, fifteen people were killed and around 75 injured have triggered hue and cry in the Christian community. Children and women were also…
The Indian government has concluded that its provocative firing on the border and the LoC, is proving to be a big hindrance to normalizing bilateral ties. One of the first things that India wants to restore could be cross-LoC CBMs…
More often than not, questions have been raised about the utility and necessity of SAARC. India has a variety of disputes with all its immediate neighbours and it is in no mood to resolve these matters. Moreover, India views SAARC as an…