Status of sole super power gives the United States (US) a unique advantage of being the neighbor of every nation in the world. This exclusiveness has both positive as well as negative inferences. States around the world expect the US to solve…
Afghan Taliban leaders, who had refused to accept Mullah Akhtar Mansoor as successor to Mullah Omar, have formally announced Mullah Mohammad Rasool as head of their splinter group. Dissident leaders met in Farah province of Afghanistan and elected new leaders. Presumably they…
Last week threw up a few fictional and factual settings impacting Pakistan in one way or the other. It will be interesting to review some of these.
First the fiction. Indian media has come up with an interesting report. Sounding like an act…
Witnessing the experience of the last 14 years war on terror being fought in Afghanistan it can be clearly said that peace in Afghanistan and the region hinges on the establishment of good relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since former Soviet Union’s…
While Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his team are struggling to implement the National Action Plan (NAP), the resistance is phenomenal. Execution of the 20 points NAP is slow and circuitous. The NAP laundry list includes: execution of convicted terrorists; establishment of…
While attempting to gauge the strategic impact of the Iran nuclear deal, one is haunted by the dilemma about American as well as Iranian intent behind evolving the agreement in the form as it stand now. Is it a part of prior…
Taliban insurgents have killed scores of people in suicide and other bombings in Afghanistan during the past few days. The violence has picked up since the disclosure of the death of Mullah Omar, and is likely to continue till amicable resolution of…

Afghan Taliban are facing their biggest challenge. Death of Mullah Omar is certainly a strategic blow to the outfit. His charismatic stature had kept the group together and effective; his successor is not likely to attract the same esteem. Reports indicate that…
Afghan Islamic Movement Fidaee Mahaz has recently claimed that Mulla Umar died two years ago; however, Taliban have rejected these rumours. It appears the ground is being prepared for making public appearance of Mulla Omar a possibility in near future. This would…
On invitation of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), the following four member delegation from Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS), Yangon, Myanmar visited Islamabad, Pakistan on April 6-8, 2015:
U Nyunt Maung Shein