The ultimate deal maker President Trump celebrated his first year in Oval office with shutdown, making him probably the only president in US history to do so. The rift in the US Senate over spending bill resulted in government shutdown on January…
US President Donald Trump kicked off his 12 days long visit to five Asian countries namely Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines in early November 2017. This is the longest visit by a US President since 1991. The strategic community…
Since the dawn of President Trump we have been hearing “America First” slogan, which has also been on road to becoming the basis of his foreign policy too. Already, ultra-nationalism dominates Trump’s personality when it comes to looking at the world affairs.…
The North Treaty Organization (NATO) came into being to guarantee security to the war-torn Europe after the most devastated war in human history called “World War II.” It was precisely meant for containing “Communist” threat from the former Soviet Union. The “Warsaw…
There is a shift in international security order from Euro-Atlantic to Asia, and more precisely Asia-Pacific. The US is still the sole super power, though struggling, its power has been challenged, if not ended, in the Asian affairs. China’s rise and resurgence…
If one closely monitors Pakistan’s relationship with the US, it has often been in transition stage, i.e. shifting from the most-allied status to negligence and even to hostility sometimes. The US termed Pakistan double-dealing and duplicitous ally and Pakistan termed the US…

For the US and its Western partners, the Middle East has been one of the most important regions of the world since the end of World War II. The last seven decades of the geo-politics in Middle East have witnessed increased US…
There is no denying the fact that human history has hardly witnessed a “great power” like the US in terms of economy, military, innovation, science and technology, democracy, and the diplomatic and political influence the country has around the world. American way…
Constitutionally, India is a secular country but in practice the empirical data suggests that the country is set to be a Hindu state. Countless Hindu-Muslim riots in India after August 1947 including the demolition of Babri Mosque in December 1992 and communal…
The US “rebalancing” strategy is primarily aimed at China as the country has the world’s second-largest economy after the US and it is growing fast, accompanied with soft power and military modernization lately. In this way, the US is trying to maneuver…