HOPE springs eternal in human bosom and South Asia might just be lucky enough to experience the post-Biden peace dividends that so far have defied the region.
The Biden Presidency instills a new hope of a Kantian world of peace and cooperation as…
A new security paradigm was unveiled during the recently concluded Islamabad Security Dialogue. The refreshing change was highlighted by the transformative nature of the discourse where the government, the military and the academia sang from the same score sheet, laying out the…

Absence of violence is merely a negative peace. Positive peace is the absence of the causes that lead to violence. —(Johan Galtung) AFGHANISTAN has not so far found a positive peace as per above definition of Johan Galtung, the father of peace…

Like the proverbial city on the hill, the US has acted as a magnet for those who wanted to live out the American dream. For the world at large it was a colossus that bestrode the world with equal beneficence and malevolence…

Will Biden’s inauguration as the 46th US president turn a new page for one-third of humanity condemned to perpetual penury of thought and means by its leadership?
The peace dividend that eludes South Asia is a consequence of the permanent standoff between India…
FATA is an acronym for ex-Federally Administered Tribal Areas in the north-west of Pakistan that have now been merged into Khyber Pakhtunwa province.
These tribal areas straddled Pak-Afghan border pre-dating Pakistan along a border delineated as a consequence of an agreement between…
The engine of economic growth in South Asia has sputtered to a halt due to Indian intransigence and lack of vision. A region that was colonized by the British and bilked off a wealth exceeding $45 trillion between 1765 and 1938, as…
India, the largest country in South Asia, once carried the mantle of anchoring peace and development in the region. It has gone exactly in reverse.
The reason interestingly has not been a conscious departure from the Nehruvian secularism but a slow caving…

The world awaits with baited breath for the outcome of the Intra-Afghan talks. They are a part of an important deal between the United States and the Taliban, signed in February 2020. The win-win peace formulation that promises to usher us into…

Pakistan’s security and economy have jostled closely as conjoined twins right from the country’s inception as an independent state in 1947. Pakistani historians and scholars might cavil at Indian machinations to strangulate Pakistan economically, yet even Indian writers like Kamal Davar concede…