The advent of Middle East uprisings in 2011 served as a spark that triggered a wide-reaching chain of campaigns, protests, skirmishes etc. Under the series of struggle spreading from Tunisia to Egypt, from harsh battles of Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, and Libya…
Ceasefire agreement that put an end to active fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces for control over Nagorno-Karabakh in 1994 was considered to be the first step towards the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but even after 21 years of the truce, the…
27 فروری کو دہلی میں پی ڈی پی کے سربراہ ’’ مفتی سعید ‘‘ نے مودی سے طویل ملاقات کی جس میں فیصلہ کیا گیا کہ مقبوضہ کشمیر میں بی جے پی اور پی ڈی پی کی مخلوط حکومت قائم ہو گی…
Soon after the end of World War II, the world witnessed bipolar system, i.e., the US and the former USSR. The tug of war between two super powers was so intense that the developing states started aligning themselves either with the US,…
Subramanian Swamy is a staunch supporter of BJP, a party which is considered a socially conservative and economically liberal, and is trying to build its image as the rising star of the Indian politics. It is a known fact that BJP is…
The United States of America views India as a vast market and potential counterweight to China's assertiveness in Asia. India has already enhanced its engagement in the East by turning its ‘Look East Policy’ into ‘Act East Policy.’ It has been successful…
On December 3, 2014, an unbinding resolution by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) called on Pakistan, India and Israel to voluntarily drop their nuclear weapons in order to achieve a nuclear weapons free world. The resolution was passed with 165 votes…
17 فروری کو بھارتی کوسٹل گارڈ کے ڈی آئی جی ’’ لوشالی ‘‘ نے انکشاف کیا کہ 31 دسمبر اور یکم جنوری کی درمیانی شب کو بین الاقوامی سمندری حدود میں جو پاکستانی کشتی تباہ کی گئی تھی ، اسے ان کے…
In a follow-up action to his recent visit to India, President Obama’s half an hour phone call to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has set the stage for resumption of Pakistan-India dialogue. New Indian Foreign Secretary is likely to visit Pakistan to resume…

Historically, terrorism required a radicalizing phenomenon of individuals snowballing into societies. Fortunately, reasons that could have caused this boomerang effect amongst non-Muslims have been correctly identified, pursued against and thwarted under the umbrella of UN, NATO led by the US and the…