A delegation of Scholars lead by Dr. Joshua T. White, (Associate Professor of the Practice of South Asia Studies) from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), USA, visited IPRI on January 16, 2019. Issues of mutual interest including Afghan peace…
President IPRI, Ambassador (R) Abdul Basit @abasitpak1 quoted in @etribune .
Protesters demand criminal investigation against soldiers involved in killing teenage victim 'disfigured' in shooting.
Reference: Rifat Fareed, “Indian army kills Kashmir student mistaken for rebel,” Aljazeera, August 24, 2017, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/08/indian-army-kills-kashmir-student-mistaken-rebel-170824083746569.html

The plight of the Afghan people is at stake: on Wednesday 31 May, at 8.20 am, a devastating attack plunged Kabul into pain. A tanker filled with explosives killed at least 90 people and wounded 461 at Wazir Akbar Khan, a neighborhood…
Another Afghan peace process has caught international attention, albeit belatedly. Russia, China and Pakistan got together in Moscow, on December 27, for the third round of secretary level talks. Though earlier two rounds went almost unnoticed, the recent one invoked an overreaction…
August 14-15 were celebrated by Pakistan and India as respective independence days— tenor of celebrations was as if both are rejoicing independence from each other rather than from the colonial master—Britain. This time Pakistan had dedicated its independence day to the ongoing…
Pope Francis has condemned the habit of linking Islam with terrorism, saying that “this is not right and this is not true…I think that in nearly all religions there is always a small fundamentalist group”, He added that “We have them,” referring…
Significant factors impacting peaceful or otherwise Afghanistan are: stay-exit dilemma of the US, will of the Taliban, Indian meddling, handling of Afghan refugees, Pak-Afghan border management, Afghan government’s action against TTP bands etc. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s recent report on…
It seems that propaganda against Pakistan has become pastime activity of some intellectuals in the West who know very little about the actual conditions in Pakistan. They keep alleging Pakistan as a part of the problem. A few days back an Indian…
Scientific developments and the ease of access to various communication technologies for a wide-ranging audience beyond borders have made almost boundless prospects for broadcast and digital information. Since its inception, the internet has empowered the introduction of numerous platforms for mass communication,…