Scholarly Articles
Contested Space of the Objectives Resolution in the Constitutional Order of Pakistan
Dr Syed Sami Raza
With incorporation of the Objectives Resolution in Article 2-A — or in the substantive part of Pakistan’s Constitution — a number of cases…

Research Articles
The Kashmir Dispute: Key to South Asian Peace
Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema
Cheema discusses India’s evasive diplomacy on Kashmir and analyses the failure of both military and non-military means in solving this oldest issue on UN agenda. Alongside the on-again off-again composite dialogue…

Pakistan’s ‘Regional Pivot’ and the Endgame in Afghanistan
Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmad
After a long and costly war, Afghanistan is on its way to an uncertain security and political transition ahead of NATO’s military exit by the end of 2014.
A Retrospective Perspective on Pakistan-United States…

Research Articles
Strategic Ideology of al Qaeda
Syed Manzar Abbas Zaidi
The author dwells on al Qaeda’s ideological prowess and argues that despite its weakened military position it cannot be defeated on the strength of arms alone.
International Non-Proliferation Regime: Pakistan and Indian Perspectives
Muhammad Sadiq

Research Articles
Credible Minimum Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia
Dr Farah Zahra
India and Pakistan have coexisted as neighbours without any meaningful communication at the strategic level. It remains debatable whether the two nations are indulging in a nuclear arms race with India’s eye…

Research Articles
Cold Start in Strategic Calculus
Sannia Abdullah
The cold start doctrine formulated by Indian strategists is a product of the 2001-02 standoff with Pakistan. It envisages a blitzkrieg, a limited war under the nuclear overhang that…

Afghanistan as a Bridge
Gulden Ayman …

Research Articles
In the Interest of its People: Pakistan’s Need for a Comprehensive
Politico-Strategic Reorientation - Observations from an European Perspective
Colonel (GS) Hans Eberhart …

Research Articles
Pakistan’s Nuclearisation – Imperatives of National Security and
Survival of a Smaller State
Naeem Salik …

Research Articles
Governance and Democracy in Pakistan: Weaknesses, Strengths and Prospects
Noor ul Haq brings out difficulties in constitutional development,
obstructions in democratic governance, and takes the optimistic
approach dispelling the gloomy forecasts.
The New Terrorism: Changing Face of War and…