انھی دنوں پاکستان اور بھارت اپنے اپنے ایامِ آزادی منا رہے ہیں۔ اس پس منظر میں مبصرین نے کہا ہے کہ یہ کوئی راز کی بات نہیں کہ بھارت کے سیکولر ازم کے تمام تر دعووں کے باوجود بیس کروڑ کے قریب…
بھارت میں اب تک ’’ کاؤ بیلٹ ‘‘ ہی حکمران رہی ہے اور ساؤتھ انڈیا کے پانچوں صوبوں’’ تامل ناڈو ‘‘ ، ’’ کیرالہ ‘‘ ، ’’ آندھرا پردیش ‘‘ ، ’’ تلنگانہ ‘‘ اور ’’ کرناٹک ‘‘ کے حصے میں کبھی…
Having come to terms with the irrevocability of Indus Water Treaty (IWT), India is contemplating to launch its water wars through Afghanistan. Pranab Dhal Samanta in his recent article “Can Afghanistan offer ‘other Indus’ option to India against Pakistan?”, carried by the…
Over the last week, Indian leadership took a number of steps to provoke Pakistan into action. Pakistan’s leadership has acted pragmatically. Comedy of surgical strikes was poorly scripted to suck Pakistan into an embarrassing slug, in both cases: either by acting or…
AMID heightened tensions between Pakistan and India, Pakistan is now ready to host the 19th SAARC Summit in Islamabad, scheduled in November 2016. It is observed that the acrimony in Pakistan-India relations had been dominating the ambitions of regional cooperation and integration.…
August 14-15 were celebrated by Pakistan and India as respective independence days— tenor of celebrations was as if both are rejoicing independence from each other rather than from the colonial master—Britain. This time Pakistan had dedicated its independence day to the ongoing…
Whenever Pakistan engages or tries to engage with the leaders of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOK), it sends shivers down the spine of Indian rulers. However, due to immense international pressure, it is not possible for India to block such contacts.…
Two recent exposures have hit India badly: Likelihood of attack on Indian Air Force Station Pathankot turning out as a false flag operation orchestrated by Indian intelligence agencies under the able tutelage of National Security Advisor Ajit Doval; and the Kulbhushan Jadhav…

On September 28th, 2015, Mr. Asghar Ali Shad, Research Fellow IPRI, gave a lecture to IPRI scholars on the topic “Growing Hindu Extremism in India: Implications for Neighbouring Countries” at IPRI Conference Hall. He began the lecture by saying that the growing…
Prime Minister Narendera Modi’s high ambitions of re-shaping India on an extremist Hindutva model and region as India dominated South Asia with other counties relegated to vassal status has come to a naught rather quickly. His invitation to all heads of SAARC…