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For the US and its Western partners, the Middle East has been one of the most important regions of the world since the end of World War II. The last seven decades of the geo-politics in Middle East have witnessed increased US…
The US “rebalancing” strategy is primarily aimed at China as the country has the world’s second-largest economy after the US and it is growing fast, accompanied with soft power and military modernization lately. In this way, the US is trying to maneuver…
Excluding rarities, the Palestine policy of successive US administrations have been erratic, ambiguous and, may be, mischievous, aimed at maintaining status quo. No serious efforts have been made to reconcile the operational level contradictions of this policy. Though halfhearted diplomatic efforts were…
Pakistan enjoys bilateral relationship with the US since its creation in 1947, which makes the both states old and indispensable allies and the past decades are witness to this fact. Pakistan joined the US-led SEATO and CENTO defense pacts and it received…
President Obama headed to the Capitol to deliver his final State of the Union (SOTU) address on January 12, 2016. It is an American tradition that every year the US President addresses the nation about the existing state of affairs of the…
The US Presidents have been famous for their “signature” statements. President James Monroe, in fact, was the first one to have come up with his famous “Monroe doctrine”, which was followed by explicit or implicit doctrines by the former US Presidents, i.e.…
President Barack Obama’s visit to India holds significance for the regional actors, and in particular the US ally – Pakistan. The visit seems to be a determining factor of the US policy towards the region, in post-withdrawal phase. President Obama is the…
In a follow-up action to his recent visit to India, President Obama’s half an hour phone call to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has set the stage for resumption of Pakistan-India dialogue. New Indian Foreign Secretary is likely to visit Pakistan to resume…
The partial and completely avoidable shutdown of the United States (US) government showed no signs of ending quickly, as lawmakers stiffened their positions and sought to shift blame to the other side. The ongoing rift in the US Congress over budget for the…