یہ بات بھلا کون نہیں جانتا کہ افواجِ پاکستان اور پاک عوام کی تاریخ لازوال قربانیوں سے عبارت ہے ۔اسی پس منظر میں پاک فوج کے ترجمان میجر جنرل آصف غفور نے کہا کہ پاک فوج نے 2016ء میں کئی اہم کامیابیاں…
The US “rebalancing” strategy is primarily aimed at China as the country has the world’s second-largest economy after the US and it is growing fast, accompanied with soft power and military modernization lately. In this way, the US is trying to maneuver…
Given the constantly evolving security dynamics globally and regionally, the threat spectrum continues to grow with every passing day. The nature of threat has transformed from traditional to advanced non-conventional and strategic levels. The sphere of traditional security is quite precise and…
Pakistan has mostly dealt with its water security issues from technical and political point of views, and has rarely explored legal options. There are serious capacity issues with regard to legally contesting our cases at international forums. This has led to a…
During June 2015 visit to Bangladesh, Modi made a startling confession of an otherwise known reality that Bangladesh came into being largely due to Indian covert support to separatist elements and overt military aggression. India has never reconciled to the reality of…

Donald Trump’s victory in the US Presidential elections has come as a surprise. It has nullified the assumption that political experience is a must for Presidency. Hillary Clinton’s political credentials and government experience could not take her to the White House. President…
یہ امر انتہائی اہمیت کا حامل ہے کہ بھارتی فوج کے سابق سربراہ ’’ جنرل بکرم سنگھ ‘‘ نے افواج پاکستان کے نئے سپہ سالار کو انتہائی شاندار الفاظ میں خراج تحسین پیش کیا ہے ۔ ہندی اخبارات ’’ نو بھارت ٹائمز…
PAKISTAN and China have kicked off their first trade activity under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project as over a hundred Chinese containers arrived at the Sust post, which is a village in Hunza, from where they will leave for their final destination…
Every analyst is busy in separating Donald J Trump’s electoral rhetoric into pursuable and abandon-able categories. However, his campaign guys, in the hope of grabbing lucrative jobs, are busy gathering arguments to support the notion that all that Trump said as candidate…
مقبوضہ کشمیر میں گذشتہ روز پوری کشمیری قوم نے یومِ استقلال منایا اور اس موقع پر اپنے اس عہد کا اعادہ کیا کہ بھارت کی تمام تر ریاستی دہشتگردی کے باوجود جدوجہد آزادی کو ہر قیمت پر جاری رکھا جائے گا ۔…