After a marathon meeting, national leadership approved a comprehensive plan of action against terrorism in a move described by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as a ‘defining moment’ in the fight against terrorism. The 20-point National Action Plan that envisages establishment of special…
Despite many success stories by Pakistan Army in its efforts to counter terrorism, the United States (US) intelligentsia does not seem satisfied and Pakistan bashing continues. Recently in the New York Times’ (NYT) June 9, 2014 editorial, i.e., “Pakistan’s Latest Crisis”, again…
Completion of political transition in Afghanistan offers a window of opportunity, albeit a narrow one, for Pakistan and Afghanistan to swiftly and boldly make a course correction to respective approaches towards each other. Both countries could engage each other more constructively by…
On June 15, authorities in Pakistan launched a full-fledged military operation, named "Zarb-e-Azb," against foreign and local terrorists in the country. So far, more than 400 militants have been killed and 17 army personnel martyred. Several terrorist hideouts, bomb-making factories, training camps…
It is refreshing that Pakistan and Afghanistan have decided to develop a ‘robust and effective’ bilateral border-coordination mechanism as part of efforts to deal with cross-border attacks, as well as to arrest the movement of terrorists. Last month the two sides had…
امریکہ کے تحقیقی ادارے "پی ای ڈبلیو " ریسرچ سنٹر نے انکشاف کیا ہے کہ ۶۶ فیصد پاکستانی طالبان کی دہشت گردی کی کاروائیوں کے سخت مخالف ہیں جب کہ صرف ۸ فیصد اس شدت پسند تنظیم کی بابت نرم گوشہ رکھتے…
The peace-talks with Taliban are over and the military has stepped in North Waziristan. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that “Pakistan will no more be allowed to become a sanctuary for the terrorists”. The military operation named ‘Zarb-e-Azb’, in North Waziristan, is…
As the heat of Middle East turmoil radiates chill waves down the spine, due to fear of its replication in South Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan make desperate efforts for strengthening their hedge against a globally floating-cum-roving system of insurgent-terrorist outfits. First round…
زیر اعظم نواز شریف نے یقین ظاہر کیا ہے کہ پوری پاکستانی قوم شمالی وزیرستان سے بے گھر ہونے والے اپنے بھائیوں کی بھر پور خدمت اور حمایت کرے گی اور ایسا کرتے ہوئے وہ کسی پر احسان نہیں کرے گی بلکہ…

Like Pakistan’s elections in 2013, high voter turnout is also the feature of ongoing elections in India and Afghanistan. It will be interesting to see how these heavily mandated governments perform in the field of regional stability. Both these countries constitute Pakistan’s…