Another Afghan peace process has caught international attention, albeit belatedly. Russia, China and Pakistan got together in Moscow, on December 27, for the third round of secretary level talks. Though earlier two rounds went almost unnoticed, the recent one invoked an overreaction…
بھارت کی سب سے بڑی ریاست اترپردیش سمیت پانچ ریاستوں میں اسمبلی انتخابات کی تاریخوں کا اعلان کر دیا گیا ہے ۔بھارتی چیف الیکشن کمیشنر نسیم زیدی نے نئی دہلی میں بدھ کی صبح پریس کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے بتایا کہ…
عام آدمی پارٹی کے قومی کنوینر اور دہلی کے موجودہ وزیراعلیٰ اروند کجریوال نے ہندوستان کی سیاسی بساط پر اپنے لیے بہت ہی کم وقت میں ایک کامیاب اورمخصوص کردار تیار کرلیاہے۔2015 میں دہلی کے 2 کروڑعوام کو لبھا کر 70 میں…
یہ بات بھلا کون نہیں جانتا کہ افواجِ پاکستان اور پاک عوام کی تاریخ لازوال قربانیوں سے عبارت ہے ۔اسی پس منظر میں پاک فوج کے ترجمان میجر جنرل آصف غفور نے کہا کہ پاک فوج نے 2016ء میں کئی اہم کامیابیاں…
Constitutionally, India is a secular country but in practice the empirical data suggests that the country is set to be a Hindu state. Countless Hindu-Muslim riots in India after August 1947 including the demolition of Babri Mosque in December 1992 and communal…
The US “rebalancing” strategy is primarily aimed at China as the country has the world’s second-largest economy after the US and it is growing fast, accompanied with soft power and military modernization lately. In this way, the US is trying to maneuver…
Given the constantly evolving security dynamics globally and regionally, the threat spectrum continues to grow with every passing day. The nature of threat has transformed from traditional to advanced non-conventional and strategic levels. The sphere of traditional security is quite precise and…
Judicial Commission comprising Justice Qazi Faez Isa that investigated the August 8 deadly terrorist attack in Quetta has reported ‘monumental failure’ of the interior ministry and Balochistan government towards combating terrorism. Even though there has been visible successes in the counter terrorism…
Since the advent of globalization, the people living in various corners of the world can easily interact with each other. People can reach out to their near-ones living in a foreign land. This has also led to cultural exchange between different regions/countries.…
Pakistan has mostly dealt with its water security issues from technical and political point of views, and has rarely explored legal options. There are serious capacity issues with regard to legally contesting our cases at international forums. This has led to a…